Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico/Massachusetts Unido por Puerto Rico
The Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund is now closed and all funds have been committed.
On September 29, 2017, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and the Boston Foundation announced the creation of the Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund/Massachusetts Unido por Puerto Rico. Hosted in partnership with the Latino Legacy Fund and civic leaders of Boston’s Puerto Rican community, this crucial fund is dedicated to the relief and recovery of Puerto Rico and the support of Puerto Ricans arriving in Boston and the Commonwealth as a result of the destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Maria.
Read the press release on the final grant making from the Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund.
In the weeks immediately following the Hurricane, Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico made over $100,000 in grants to community-based organizations engaging in direct relief efforts: the procurement of solar-powered lights, the distribution of food and clothing and trauma-informed care for the sick and elderly. Through its recovery phase, Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico has given significant support to innovative projects involving economic empowerment, sustainable agriculture and green and solar initiatives. The fund also has assisted Puerto Rican evacuees by supporting Latino-led nonprofits that provide direct services to the evacuee community, with a focus on mitigating the housing crisis faced by evacuees.
Through the generosity of individual and corporate donors, Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund raised over $4 million. In just one year, it has distributed more than $2 million to support immediate relief and long-term recovery projects in Puerto Rico and to assist with the relocation of evacuated individuals in Massachusetts. (See a complete list of grantees below. View grant details here.)
$4.1 Million
Funds Raised
Nonprofits Supported
$4.1 Million
Grants Made to Date
In partnership with The Latino Legacy Fund
The money raised was invested in three areas: disaster relief, sustainable rebuilding and capacity building for NGO’s in Massachusetts, as a substantial migration of Puerto Ricans to Boston and throughout the Commonwealth arrived in the months following the hurricane.
Una colaboración entre The Latino Legacy Fund
La Fundación Comunitaria de Boston aportará sus servicios de manera gratuita. Los fondos recaudados se invertirán en tres áreas: manejo de desastres, reconstrucción sustentable y apoyo a organizaciones no gubernamentales en Massachusetts, en previsión a la llegada de refugiados puertorriqueños al estado. Un tercio del fondo irá a esfuerzos de alivio; otro tercio se destinará durante dos años para proyectos de reconstrucción y recuperación económica que sean sustentables a largo plazo; el último tercio se dedicará a brindar apoyo a los esfuerzos de reubicación de boricuas en el estado de Massachusetts.
The Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund is a field-of-interest fund dedicated to grassroots relief and recovery efforts in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, and to support grassroots organizations helping Puerto Ricans displaced to Boston and the Commonwealth as a result of the destruction. Established as a partnership between the Boston Foundation and the Latino Legacy Fund (which is housed at TBF), the fund is advised by an Advisory Board of local Latino leaders, public officials and experts from the Massachusetts Puerto Rican diaspora community.
Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund Advisory Committee
Committee Co-Chairs
Aixa Beauchamp, President, Beauchamp & Associates
Vanessa Calderón-Rosado, CEO, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
Juan Carlos Morales, Managing Partner, Surfside Capital Advisors
Committee Members
Josefina Bonilla, Publisher, COLOR Magazine
Ileana Cintrón, Chief, Family & Community Engagement, Holyoke Public Schools
Ivys Fernandez-Pastrana, Community Activist
Otoniel Figueroa-Durán, Dir., Commercial Division, 32BJ SEIU-New England D615
Betty Francisco, Co-Founder, The Latina Circle/Amplify Latinx; CEO, FitNation Ventures; General Counsel, Compass Working Capital
Phillip González, Senior Program Officer, Tufts Health Plan Foundation
David Morales, Founder & Principal, Morales Business Strategies LLC
Elsa Mosquera, Arts Program Director, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
Vanessa Otero, Chief Operating Officer, Partners for Community
Jorge Quiroga, Reporter, WCVB-TV/Boston
Pedro Reina-Perez, Historian, Journalist, Professor, Univ. of Puerto Rico
Adrian Velazquez, JD, Research Analyst, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Casa Pueblo
Centros Sor Isolina Ferré
Proyecto Enlace del Caño Martín Peña
Proyecto de Proyecto De Educación Comunal De Entrega
Taller Salud
Proyecto Matria
Coordinadora Paz Para la Mujer
ASPIRA de Puerto Rico
Nuestra Escuela
Proyecto Nacer
Instituto Nueva Escuela
Consejo Renal de Puerto Rico
Fundación Hospital Pediátrico
Salud Integral en la Montaña
Albizu University
Banco de Alimentos
Agua, Sol y Sereno
Fundación Música y País
El Museo de Arte Contemporaneo
Conservatorio de Artes del Caribe
Orfeón San Juan Bautista
Fundacíon Casa Cortés
Evaluación de Impacto por el Instituto Tercera Misión
Corporación Milagros del Amor
Corporación Piñones se Integra
Iniciativa Comunitaria De Investigación
Instituto Desarrollo Juventud
Jóvenes en Riesgo
La Fondita de Jesús
Proyecto Nueva Esperanza
University of Puerto Rico, School of Pharmacy
Reach us at 617-338-4395 or
by emailing evelyn.barahona@tbf.org
Centros Sor Isolina Ferré
Grupo Guayacán
Proyecto de Proyecto De Educación Comunal De Entrega
Centro para Emprendedores
Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Caño Martín Peña
Casa Pueblo
Puerto Rico Community Foundation
La Maraña
Foundation for a Better Puerto Rico
Iniciativa De Ecodesarrollo De Bahía De Jobos
Incubadora Microempresas de Bieke
Para la Naturaleza
Foundation for Puerto Rico
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Centro para Puerto Rico
Caras con Causa
Inter-American University Barranquitas Campus
Hispanic Federation
Fundación Sila M. Calderón, Inc.
Centro de Periodismo Investigativo
La Fondita de Jesus
Casa Pueblo de Adjuntas
La Colmena Cimarrona
Unidos por Utuado, Inc.
Mentes Puertorriqueñas en Acción, Inc.
Resilient Power Puerto Rico
Home for Little Wanderers
United Way of Central Massachusetts
Chelsea Collaborative
United Way of Greater New Bedford
New North Citizens’ Council
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
Sociedad Latina
Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
Enlace de Familias
Providence Ministries
Behavioral Health Network
Gándara Center
Family Services of the Merrimack Valley
Catholic Charities Diocese of Springfield
Catholic Charities Worcester County
Centro Las Americas
Holyoke Health Center
Latino Education Institute
Spanish American Center
Boston Medical Center
Casa Latina
Friendly House
Corporation for Public Management