In this issue:
Jill Lepore on Democracy
page 2
TBF and Voter Engagement
page 3
Championing Asian-Owned Businesses
page 4
The 20th Annual Housing Report Card
page 6
Seizing the Day for Affordable Housing
page 8
The Food, Fuel and Shelter Fund
page 9
A Call for Action on Boston's Climate Goals
page 10
From Our President and CEO
On November 17, I shared an evening of joy, hope and promise with hundreds from the Greater Boston community at the Boston Foundation’s 2022 annual meeting, our first in-person meeting since 2019. The theme of the evening, and the 2022 annual report, “A City Reawakens,” represents new beginnings, a renaissance of sorts, as we reawaken from a years-long pandemic. COVID’s impacts persist and many continue to suffer. Yet we remain resolute, buoyed by the Psalms refrain “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” I am both proud and grateful for the Foundation’s efforts—still ongoing—to right wrongs, soothe hurts and mend broken hearts in collaboration with organizations and people who are proximate to the communities we serve.
We look forward to more moments of joy with the unveiling of Embrace Boston’s memorial to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King on Boston Common on January 13. Opportunities like the unveiling of The Embrace allow us to regain some of what we have lost. They also help us reimagine what we can be at our very best, as we swing open wide the doors of opportunity and set the table for all to enjoy life’s bounty. When we do so, we lift up—in word and deed—our nation’s motto: e pluribus unum, “out of many, one” as a living creed.