There at the Beginning: South Cove Manor
South Cove Manor was only a dream for Chinatown activists in the 1970s, when they began meeting to discuss the long-term care needs of Chinese-speaking elderly people. In 1980, the Boston Foundation granted $21,535 to a develop high-quality, culturally sensitive facility for the Asian elderly. The Foundation later contributed another $120,000, and in 1985, South Cove Manor opened in Chinatown—then relocated to a new facility in Quincy in 2014.
The gold-standard facility routinely wins accolades for its high-quality care. “The Boston Foundation played a key role in the planning and launch of South Cove Manor,” recalls longtime Boston Foundation donor Helen Chin-Schlichte, one of the co-founders and a current member of the Board of Directors. South Cove is regularly rated by U.S. News & World Report as one of the “Nation’s Top Nursing Homes” and has a 5-Star rating from Medicaid and Medicare.
The Boston Foundation has been "There at the Beginning" with critical early funding for more than 100 great ideas and new nonprofits.