Sarah Forslund Fund for Environmental Leadership – Grants
Sarah Forslund Fund for Environmental Leadership – Grants
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Sierra Schools Foundation $3,000 — supports the rural and remote public schools of Sierra County and the Sierra-Plumas Joint Unified School District by providing supplemental funds to address the inequities in the educational experience due to geographic isolation and limited local economic resources.
The Direct Action and Research Training Center $3,000 — trains community leaders and professional organizers to build power and take direct action on problems facing their communities.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship $3,000 — helps struggling communities strengthen their economies, retain and attract residents, create local jobs and engage youth, by curating spaces that encourage healthy, recreation-based lifestyles.
California Climate and Agriculture Network $3,000 — an organization that works to realize the powerful climate solutions offered by sustainable and organic agriculture.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Utah’s Place $2,000 — An organization that serves homeless individuals
and families, by bringing them into a circle of community caring that offers shelter, sustenance, medical care, advocacy, opportunity, dignity, and hope as they are assisted in transitioning from homelessness to housing.
Virginia Conservation Network $2,000 — is a resource for over 125 Network Partners statewide, and a constant conservation presence in Virginia’s Capitol. The organization and its staff focus on strengthening the conservation community as a whole and winning environmental victories that benefit all Virginians.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Community Alliance with Family Farmers $2,000 — An organization that builds sustainable food and farming systems through policy advocacy and on-the-ground programs that create more resilient family farms, communities and ecosystems.
Granite ChiefWilderness Protection Leage $2,000 —A Citizen’s Initiative to Protect the Granite Chief Wilderness Area.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Bear Yuba Land Trust $2,000 — An organization that works to promote voluntary conservation of the region’s natural, historical and agricultural legacy.
Maine Conservation Alliance $2,000 — An organization that is working to to protect Maine’s environment by engaging Maine people in democracy, building diverse coalitions, and educating candidates, elected officials, and the public on policy solutions to advance Maine’s environmental priorities.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Sierra Watch $2,000 — in support of it’s campaign to Keep Squaw True and protect the Sierra Nevada.
Dogwood Alliance $2,000 — An organization that is working to mobilize diverse voices to protect Southern forests and communities from destructive industrial logging.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Wild Nature Institute $2,000 — in support of a project to distribute children’s books and giraffe-themed conservation materials are part of a large-scale environmental education campaign to mobilize Tanzanian communities for conservation.
Sierra Academy of Expeditionary Learning $2,000 — A new tuition-free public high school offering interdisciplinary programs that impact young people through a unique curriculum model that incorporates project-based, hands-on, college preparatory academics with embedded service, fieldwork, and adventure.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Pesticide Action Network $2,000 — An organization that works to create a just, thriving food system, to tackle the pesticide problem — and reclaim the future of food and farming.
Sierra County Land Trust $2,000 — An organization that is working to preserve the Sierra Buttes/Lakes Basin of Sierra County, California through land acquisitions, land management, and public education.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Oregon Wild $2,000 — An organization that is working to work to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations.
San Juan Ridge Taxpayers Association $2,000 — An organization that is working to promote the environmental, social and economic well-being of the San Juan Ridge community, located in Nevada County, California.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Our Children’s Trust $2,000 — An organization that is amplifying the voice of the youngest generation through film and legal action encouraging local, state and national governments to implement enforceable, science-based Climate Recovery Plans.
Deer Creek Tribute Trail $2,000 — A project that will help provide recreational, open space, wildlife, flood management and water quality benefits in the Deer Creek watershed for the people of Nevada City and County. A picnic table along the trail has been dedicated in Sarah’s memory.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics $2,000 — A coalition effort launched in 2004 to protect the health of consumers and workers by securing the corporate, regulatory and legislative reforms necessary to eliminate dangerous chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.
South Yuba River Citizens League $2,000 — To produce a short film about how local grade-school kids journeyed to the California State Capitol to save their Yuba River State Parks.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Chesapeake Climate Action Network $2,000 — Mobilizing a powerful grassroots movement in the region surrounding our nation’s capitol to call for state, national and international policies that will put us on a path to climate stability.
Mountain Meadows Conservancy $2,000 — Conserving and enhancing the natural beauty and environmental health of the Mountain Meadows watershed, protecting its significant Mountain Maidu burial and cultural sites, and providing recreation and public access for generations to come.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Endangered Species Coalition $2,000 — Working to protect endangered species and the special places where they live through education, outreach, and citizen involvement.
Living Lands Agrarian Network $2,000 — To maintain a network of ecologically minded farmers and community members working together to create a unique and vibrant local food culture.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Alaska Conservation Alliance $2,000 — To protect Alaska’s air, land and water by empowering Alaskans to participate effectively in the civic arena.
Save the Air in Nevada County (STAinNC) $2,000 — To promote and conduct sustainable practices that increase awareness, promote education and inspire action to improve Nevada County’s air quality by reducing ozone air pollution.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy.
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch $2,000 — To protect, promote and restore healthy forests and watersheds to maintain quality of life in the Sierra Nevada.
Maine Conservation Voters Education Fund $2,000 — To protect Maine’s environment by increasing non-partisian citizen participation in public policy discussions and the democratic process.
Green Corps $6,000 — Our annual gift to the organization that has trained hundreds of young leaders in the skills of organizing and advocacy. (It’s also how Sarah and Tom met.)
Friends of Spenceville, $1,000 — Working to protect critical open space in the Sierra Nevada foothills from a massive development proposal that the Sacramento Bee says “violates just about every principle of modern planning.”
The Gulf Restoration Network, $1,000 — Based in New Orleans, where Green Corps alum Aaron Viles works to protect and restore the valuable resources of the Gulf of Mexico.
Green Corps, $6,000 — To train new organizers in the strategies and skills they need to solve tomorrow’s environmental problems, while providing critical field support for today’s environmental battles.
HEAL Utah, $1,000 — To protect Utah and its residents from nuclear and toxic waste, stopping Utah from becoming the nation’s nuclear dumping ground and fighting to prevent the resumption of nuclear testing.
SRVA: Alliance for Smart Growth, $1,000 — To help fight an irresponsible development proposal on Mt. Whitney, protecting the vista of sage flats and sculptured granite boulders at the base of the tallest mountain in the continental United States.
Green Corps, $6,000 — To train new organizers in the strategies and skills they need to solve tomorrow’s environmental problems, while providing critical field support for today’s environmental battles.
Environmental Defense Project of Sierra County, $1,000 — To stop irresponsible development in the Sierra Valley, ensuring appropriate planning and protection of the natural resources and scenic beauty of this extraordinary intermountain valley in the Feather River Watershed.
Gifford Pinchot Task Force, $1,000 — To help end logging of ancient forests in southwest Washington’s Gifford Pinchot National Forest, protecting the region’s drinking water and wildlife habitat and creating a model of restored forest ecosystems.
Green Corps, $10,000 — To train new organizers in the strategies and skills they need to solve tomorrow’s environmental problems, while providing critical field support for today’s environmental battles.
Dogwood Alliance, $1,000 — To help protect the hardwood forests and communities of the Southern United States, by working to end unsustainable industrial forest practices.
Mountain Meadows Conservancy, $1,000 — To help fight inappropriate development that threatens the Mountain Meadows Basin of the Sierra Nevada, securing lasting protection for this unspoiled, high mountain meadow north of Plumas National Forest.
Green Corps, $10,000 — To train new organizers in the strategies and skills they need to solve tomorrow’s environmental problems, while providing critical field support for today’s environmental battles.
Northern Forest Alliance, $2,000 — To create an outreach internship program that would attract new support and build this coalition’s capacity to achieve a sustainable future for New England forests.
South Yuba River Citizen’s League, $2,000 — To support the River Teachers program, which helps students deepen their connection to the Yuba River Watershed and develop their role as stewards of the watershed and its salmon population.