Sudan Crisis: TBF Giving Guide

June 14, 2024

A woman and a child walk through a demolished area
Photo from International Rescue Committee Website, linked below

Sudan was already in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, in which 15.8 million people urgently needed aid, when the long-standing conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces burst into full-out war in 2023 and threw the entire country into crisis. A year later, over half of the country, 25 million people, is in desperate need of aid as they face overwhelming violence and the threat of famine with staggering rates of malnutrition. 8 million people have been displaced as they’ve fled for safety within Sudan and to surrounding countries where crucial resources are needed to support the influx of refugees.

The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for Sudan states that the country needs $2.7 billion  to help the millions of people affected, but in April of this year only 5% of that number had been funded. So as the war continues, making it harder for aid to access the country’s population and resulting in Sudan fading from the international spotlight, it is vital to join the governments and relief organizations sending on the ground aid to where it’s needed most. Here are a few ways donors can provide philanthropic support to the people of Sudan.

“After more than a year of neglect from global leaders and massive funding gaps for humanitarian assistance, the war in Sudan has reached a critical tipping point. Warring parties are waging a deadly battle for control of El Fasher — the capital of the state of North Darfur and, until recently, one of the last safe havens for civilians. If the city falls, experts warn there will be dire human rights consequences, ranging from ethnic cleansing to outright genocide for millions of people.” - Read “World leaders neglected this crisis. Now genocide looms.” by Jess Craig for more information on why this is a critical moment to support Sudan.

For DAF holders at the Boston Foundation: you may submit a grant to any of these organizations through the Donor Portal. Please include in the grant purpose “to support relief services in Sudan.”


  • International Rescue Committee: The IRC is supporting people who have been displaced internally in Sudan through an integrated health, nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) program and providing child protection services and comprehensive women and girls’ protection and empowerment services including to gender-based violence (GBV) survivors in addition to livelihood intervention through multi-purpose cash assistance. The IRC has also expanded their critical services to support Sudanese refugees, including in Chad, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Donate now (EIN: 13-5660870).

  • CARE International: CARE International Switzerland is helping to provide basic needs, including food, water, shelter and sanitation facilities. Currently, CARE International Switzerland runs programs mainly in East Darfur, South Darfur, South Kordofan, Kassala and Khartoum, providing relief services, helping people restore their livelihoods, and promoting peace and stability. Donate now (EIN 13-1685039).

  • Save The Children (Emergency Fund): Save the Children has worked in Sudan since 1983, focusing on child protection, access to quality education, and health and nutrition. Save the Children is bringing together the best of their experience in humanitarian emergencies and long-term programs and working with partners to ensure that urgently needed support reaches children and families in Sudan and neighboring countries. Donate Now (EIN: 06-0726487).

  • The UN Refugee Agency: UNHCR is providing humanitarian assistance to those who been forced to flee their homes in Sudan. They work to bring emergency shelter and lifesaving aid including food, medicine, and clean water to refugees. Donate now (EIN: 52-1662800).