Boston EdTalks : 2017 National Teacher of the Year Sydney Chaffee

The National Teacher of the Year shares her thoughts on how good schools build better cultures for learning

By Ted McEnroe, Director of External Communications

The 2017 Boston EdTalks was fortunate to include the 2017 National Teacher of the Year, Sydney Chaffee of Codman Academy.

Chaffee sat down to talk with journalist Ethan Bronner to talk about her work, much of which revolves around building stronger learning cultures - by building safer and more supportive school environments, creating ways to foster collaboration among students and among teachers and much more. Chaffee talks about how teachers can support each other's work by getting more chances to work together, observe each other's practice and share ideas, while keeping students at the center of the discussion over best practices.

She also discusses the importance of teachers having a larger role in administration and leadership in schools, using collaboration and team supports to help make time for teachers to excel in the classroom and as leaders.